Women’s Health Physiotherapy

Women’s Health Physiotherapists, also called Pelvic Health Physiotherapists, are highly trained in assessing and treating conditions of the pelvis and pelvic floor.

How Can Women’s Health Physiotherapy Help Me?

1 in 3 women will experience urinary incontinence in their lifetime! Yet it is something that can still feel a little embarrassing to bring up or talk about. This shouldn’t be the case and there is a lot that Women’s Health Physiotherapists can help you with. NICE guidelines advise that supervised pelvic floor muscle training for at least 3 months should be the first line of treatment for stress or mixed urinary incontinence (NICE, 2019).

Female Urinary Incontinence / Pelvic Organ Prolapse

  • Bladder training techniques
  • Pelvic floor muscle training – exercises, EMG biofeedback
  • Advise regarding the use of pessaries/biofeedback equipment

Consent & Chaperone

Your Physiotherapist will explain each part of the assessment / treatment so you are fully aware what to expect and will ask for your consent to continue. At any point in the session you ALWAYS have the right to withdraw from the assessment / treatment.

You are very welcome to have someone with you – a Chaperone during your consultation/treatment. I am afraid I am not able to offer a formal chaperone in my current work setting. If you would like a chaperone at your appointment please arrange someone to come with you.


Initial Appointment
75 minutes – £80

Follow Up Appointments
45 minutes – £55
60 minutes – £65

Other Women’s Health Physiotherapy services available with Ruth

Pregnancy MOT

Helping to you to remain active & healthy throughout your pregnancy, manage any aches & pains and prepare your body for labour .

The Mummy MOT

The Mummy MOT is a comprehensive post natal check.
Ruth is a certified Mummy MOT practitioner.